Wifi Services Made Easy

WiFi is now a necessity rather than a luxury that your guests and employees expect. But your budget may not allow you to provide it effectively, especially if you have a large facility with multiple floors. When running a room booking service, it is not just about filling rooms. You also need to make sure that your clients and employees have a great connectivity experience.

If you want a world-class WiFi network that is capable of effortlessly switching signals so that guests can maintain maximum connectivity, meet the Hex ITS Smart WiFi system that reduces your time to fill rooms, ensuring that guests always have the fastest possible internet service. No matter the location, no device will experience loss of signal.

Excellent Wifi coverage and reliability can allow you to charge a premium for your room rates.

With Hex ITS, you can install, maintain and support a high-speed WiFi network in your property. In no time. Our expert team can audit your existing Wifi services, and come up with a plan to supercharge your network without extensive outlays for equipment and cabling.

Our solutions include installing fiber to properties and facilities, and to your telecom closets rather than directly to each room. These fiber cables run to each telecom closet and we “home run” all CAT6 for each room to the appropriate closet. This allows for the best performance to guests and delivers the most value-for-money to property owners.

Furthermore, no active equipment or media panel is necessary in each unit to access high-speed broadband. All access points (APs) are powered remotely from the switches that sit in telecom rooms.

This creates a system that is easy to maintain, and supportable with excellent service.


Benefits of Hex ITS Smart WiFi:

Let Us Level Up Your WiFi Services Today. It’s simple and easy.

Streamlined design & installation

Powerful hardware & software

Fully managed & expert support


    Hex ITS is a leading cloud, data management and IT services provider, 100% Canadian-owned and based out of Toronto. Our expert team of engineers and consultants make sure an organization is migrated smoothly to the cloud and running efficiently.


    Hex ITS
    2233 Argentia Rd, Suite 302,
    Mississauga, ON L5N 2X7


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